Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ideas for my Non-linear assignment...

My beat is dealing with health and beauty. So, for my non-linear story assignment....
-I would of course have my audio branches.
-Maybe a link to a food chart
-Link to ingredients found to most make-up that's is detrimental
-Maybe video of common exercises that most people do wrong
-Links to articles dealing with eating correctly

Just some ideas; will become more developed soon. =]

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For My Slideshow

For my slideshow; I will focus on Mallory and her workout schedule.
-She has made a commitment to working out and has stayed diligent to her goal.
-She switches up her routine so she doesn't get bored.
-She has even switched up her eating routine so that she can acheive maximum success.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Editing Techniques

I watched the 'Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall' Saturday night. While it was long (2 hours); it was a very interesting piece.

-The program did a good job of creating a mood. The split of Germany into West and East really took a toll on all citizens regardless of how they felt about the split.
-When they referred to West and East Germany they had different angled views. The West had the close, family knit views and the East had the aloof, unconnected views.
-I noticed that when they talked to survivors or referred to their families; they panned close to their faces. I think they did this so that the audience could get the sense that they were real people who had gone through this split of their country.
-When they talked about East Germany's government or the wall's every growing technology; they took a wide view. I believe they did this to show how removed and against the wall most citizens were.
-While they did this throughout the entire program, I noticed when they would describe the survivors’ stories in-depth; they made sure that the re-created images matched their stories as close as possible.

Click here to see the synopsis on the 'Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall'

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ideas for Audio Story

For my audio story here are some ideas that I am thinking about doing:
-how using eco-friendly make-up is more beneficial
-ways to take care of the skin
-ways to eliminate stress

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Throwing some Ideas out there....

I'm thinking about exploring the ways that hair...
-has become such a defining mechanism.
-why hair is considered a sexual tool (females & males)
-hairs' meaning to different cultures.

Let me know what you think. If I think of any other ideas; I'll add them. Its just a start. =]

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Introduction

My name is Bridgette and I am a junior at Towson University. I am studying Mass Communications and minoring in Spanish. I am Native American and Nigerian. I enjoy any type of exercise but my favorites are swimming, biking, playing basketball and soccer. I love kids even though they give me headaches (from time to time lol). I am excited about this semester and hope to learn more in the field of Journalism. =p

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unpredictable yet consistant...

This weather is so unpredictable yet this is expected; especially in the transition month of spring to summer which happens to be April. My exercising is going wonderful, this is something that I will continue to do well into my adult years. We only have 2 weeks left of school and then finals =]. I think that my ability to study for finals will improve drastically because my mind is more alert and if I continue to schedule my time wisely, I will have successful results. However, I'm going to try to keep up an exercise schedule during finals and see how my body responds.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Will Start the Run...

This week has been pretty wet so I've been exercising inside. I've been doing push-ups and sit-ups in the morning and before I go to bed. This weekend is supposed to be really nice, so I probably will be running outside. I don't know which route I will take yet so I'ma just run and see where I end up. I don't know how long I'm going to run because just because I have been working out doesn't mean that running will come easy. The only way to really be good in running is to run; there is no way around it so I will see how long I can go once I start. Should be an interesting experience.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Going to Move to Sunshine...

The exercise is going great!!! I feel great inside and out and I believe I've prepared my body enough so that I can run outside..again. I used to run track and running outside is amazing because it gives my body such a rush. However, it is very difficult trying to start back running once you have stopped and the cold months have kept me inside the gym. However, I decided to use the winter months to prepare me to run outside. Running with music is an option because I may want to listen to something other than life to keep me motivated and focused. It really will just depend on the mood I'm in.

This looks like a cool website to help strengthen your body. Even though its geared toward track n' field athletes; it looks interesting for obtaining information.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

From the Inside...Out...

I exercised 3 times this week. I'm soo excited because now notice a significant difference when my body doesn't exercise. I feel sluggish but my body can carry me through the day. Everything I do feels stronger and more balanced from the physical aspect to the mental aspect. I typically exercise about 20 minutes everytime I go to the gym and I do push ups and sit ups in my room randomly. I'm continually trying to not eat un-healthy foods in my diet so that I can preserve my life from the inside out. Perserverce is key.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Noticing Some Progress...

Exercise is amazing. I feel better and think better. As for my bodies preference to exercise, my body doesn't have one or at least a noticeable one. Maybe more time will determine if that statement is true. However, I exercised this morning around 10am and I noticed a difference. As the day went on I had this weird mixed feeling. I was somewhat sluggish yet I was very much so energized. I know it sounds oxymoronic but overall; I wouldn't mind exercising in the morning; I just have to get up to do it. =]

I also tried eating pasta after exercising and I felt as if my body responded more healthily. I'm still learning about myself and while its hard at times but I'm staying positive because I know the end result will be worth it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Change of Plans

I wasn't feeling well this whole week so my workout plan was shot. =[
However, I realized I actually healed better because I got alot of rest and took extra vitamin C. I don't think there was anything I could have done differently. I actually thought I needed to exercise to heal faster but according to "How To Be Fit" I actually was correct in giving my body extra rest.

According to "How To Be Fit", when you're sick, stress is added to your system, which creates body breakdown. This requires your body to use the nutrients you feed it to help release hormones in order to repair the damage.

By me getting more rest than usual, I actually sped up my healing process. Who would have thought that resting could do so much in the long run? Exercise should be back in my schedule sooner than I thought.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is there a preference?

I ate healthier this week. Lots of citrus rich fruit mainly pineapple. I also got alot of sleep. I went to the gym 3 times this week and worked out for 30 minutes; I felt so refreshed afterwards. I'm going to experiment and see if my body has a preference for exercise: morning or evening. Even though one has to fit exercise into their schedule many people let it fall where it may but if your body seems to respond better after a certain time period then you should pay attention. So, we'll see if my body has a preference for staying in tip-top shape.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Looking at the Mental Picture...

*Please Note: This show is Christian based. However, the content I am about to explain isn't. I do believe in religion however, I am not promoting/advocating for it on this newsfeed. I am simply supplying information related to my choice topic: exercise and health and the feature story they showcased provided great information.

I saw an interesting piece on exercise and dieting Wednesday morning, on The 700 Club. Dr. Ian Smith has written a book entitled, "The 4-Day Diet" in which he provides helpful tips in order to help people lose weight, which is a 100% process: 80% mental and 20% physical. The concept he provided would not only help with losing weight, in my opinion, but also with exercise. I think that in order to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must have a strong mental outlook in order to deal with the pressures ahead.

“I have learned a tremendous amount from their personal experiences,” said Dr. Smith. “If you don't get your mind right, it will only work against you.”

Included in the goodies section on the website is a "Train Your Brain and Lose Weight Sheet" which helps you keep track with your targeted goal. He is also head of the 50 million pound challenge, where you can also keep track of your progress with features like a weight tracker, a journal, a meal planner, an activity or exercise planner, and a team planner.

The 700 Club

Free Fact Sheet (Registration Required which is Free)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm Getting There

I exerised 3 times this week. It wasn't as hard as I thought and I felt really good afterwards.I'm going to try and start rock climbing too because I always thought it would be cool to try. I didn't eat as healthy as I should have this week but I'm going to incorporate more salads into my meals. I want to run in a marathon soon but it may be too much too soon; so we'll see.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Its a Start...

Health is important and exercise helps in making sure that we are in the best condition possible. Alot of people make it seem like work and I used to think that way myself. I changed my outlook and now; I view it as enjoyment. I know alot of things in life don't have immediate results and exercise is definately no exeception but its one of those things that will definately improve your quality of life so that you can do the things you want. This year I'm going to take it week by week. A little every day (ex: push ups, sit ups) and 4 times at the gym. We'll see how it goes. =]