Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unpredictable yet consistant...

This weather is so unpredictable yet this is expected; especially in the transition month of spring to summer which happens to be April. My exercising is going wonderful, this is something that I will continue to do well into my adult years. We only have 2 weeks left of school and then finals =]. I think that my ability to study for finals will improve drastically because my mind is more alert and if I continue to schedule my time wisely, I will have successful results. However, I'm going to try to keep up an exercise schedule during finals and see how my body responds.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Will Start the Run...

This week has been pretty wet so I've been exercising inside. I've been doing push-ups and sit-ups in the morning and before I go to bed. This weekend is supposed to be really nice, so I probably will be running outside. I don't know which route I will take yet so I'ma just run and see where I end up. I don't know how long I'm going to run because just because I have been working out doesn't mean that running will come easy. The only way to really be good in running is to run; there is no way around it so I will see how long I can go once I start. Should be an interesting experience.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Going to Move to Sunshine...

The exercise is going great!!! I feel great inside and out and I believe I've prepared my body enough so that I can run outside..again. I used to run track and running outside is amazing because it gives my body such a rush. However, it is very difficult trying to start back running once you have stopped and the cold months have kept me inside the gym. However, I decided to use the winter months to prepare me to run outside. Running with music is an option because I may want to listen to something other than life to keep me motivated and focused. It really will just depend on the mood I'm in.

This looks like a cool website to help strengthen your body. Even though its geared toward track n' field athletes; it looks interesting for obtaining information.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

From the Inside...Out...

I exercised 3 times this week. I'm soo excited because now notice a significant difference when my body doesn't exercise. I feel sluggish but my body can carry me through the day. Everything I do feels stronger and more balanced from the physical aspect to the mental aspect. I typically exercise about 20 minutes everytime I go to the gym and I do push ups and sit ups in my room randomly. I'm continually trying to not eat un-healthy foods in my diet so that I can preserve my life from the inside out. Perserverce is key.